1, 2021
What do you get for the person who has it all? Or better yet, the person who simply buys the things they want, for themselves. The story of my life! Because of this I often ask for very odd gifts, things that I don’t care to buy or that would be “more special” to receive. That is what the gift-giving holidays are about, I believe this is your chance to get something or give something that you wouldn’t think to/care to buy for yourself. So I present to you:
Here’s how this will work: There are two parts, this is the first, it will include miscellaneous and loose recommendations compiled by moi. I have attempted to put these things into categories, but that was kind of useless as I gave up half way through! These are items you can buy for others, put on your own wish list, or cut the crap and buy for yourself. Many of these items are 1/1, but you can always find a variation. At the very least, I aim to inspire. The second part will detail wishlists provided to me by my peers. The things they want! This should inspire you too. However, I refuse to let you buy the things they want, so part two will be released on December 10th.

A Zojirushi rice cooker is a great gift, nobody likes cooking rice on the stove, but nobody ever thinks to buy themselves a rice cooker. One of the best holiday gifts I have personally receieved.

A New York Times Cooking subscription, I want this! NYT has great recipes, this is a good gift for someone who avidly cooks themselves and others dinner and needs some inspo.


Costa Brazil ‘RESINA DE BREU’ is a natural resin grown in Brazil. It smells divine when burned and supposedly “reinstates harmony in a room” - maybe this one is for lovers, many couples need this in their home!

I cannot emphasize this enough - James Perse Bedding. It is my all time favorite bedding. I understand it is going above and beyond to gift a whole set, so if I had to recommend one singular piece it is the James Perse brushed jersey duvet cover. As of this moment, they are out of stock in white, and I assume it will remain that way, but this is an excellent gift for someone who values their bed. Truthfully, anything from James Perse makes for a great gift.

Japanese Pottery. This is a very cute and special gift in my humble opinion. You can find this Set of Five Japanese tea cups on ebay.

1000 chairs by Charlotte Fiell and Peter Fiell.
Great gift for the design lover, even better book for the coffee table.

Give the gift of knowledge. I think books like these are great gifts - a photo book is lazy. I received the Shoe Design Handbook two years ago and I look through it all the time, it is beyond interesting. Maybe your person isn’t into shoe design, explore the fashionary website and beyond.


A bronze sculpture. This one is Mareike by Nando Kallweit and is available on 1st dibs.

For a Virgo - I asked my Virgo friend what he wanted this holiday season and he said he just wanted to feel happy, so if you have a Virgo in your life that you can make happy, do that! Or anything that takes more labor than cash.

For the beauty queen - Joanna Czech facial massager and Costa Brazil anti-aging oil. I have receieved this exact gift and I was ecstatic. Be careful who you gift anti-aging oil to because that can easily send the wrong message! Costa Brazil has plenty of other oils to offer if needed...

For the cozy and sentimental - a Cashmere scarf. I recommend looking at the Real Real, I found so many great cashmere scarves that I reached out about creating an affiliated link, to which they haven’t gotten back to me. So better yet, knit a scarf! You have time, and that makes it both sentimental and foolproof. Get a loom and a ball of yarn and watch some youtube videos.